Every Christian Leader is on the leadership corps of SOS International! Ephesians 4 charges those with leadership gifts with responsibility to equip the saints for the work of ministry for the building up of the Global Body of Christ (4:11-12).
Those who train indigenous leaders through SOS International are capable and experienced leadership trainers who expand their ministries to international proportions through the invitation of SOS International. These equippers trust us to screen training opportunities appropriate for their areas of expertise.
Indigenous ministry leaders are eager to receive vital training to reach and disciple their communities and nations. These shepherds of God’s people, however, have little access to any meaningful training opportunities.
SOS International is meeting the training needs of the leaders of the Christian Church around the world. By God’s grace, we’re training Pastors and Church Leaders in 46 Countries and fulfilling more than 150 unique ministry training requests each year in places where quality ministry training is almost impossible to find. All of this training is offered without cost to those being trained.
If you are interested in knowing more about how you can expand your ministry to international proportions through passing on what God has put on deposit with you in the areas of education, training, material (books, manuals, materials) and financial resources, please contact us.