SOS Africa Academy
SOS International and SOS Africa provide strategic and targeted training that meets the Number 1 need of the non-Western Church - Leadership Equipping and Resourcing. (Serving with Eyes Wide Open by David A Livermore, pg. 43).
During October 19-25, SOS International and SOS Africa equipped and resourced 53 Pastor-Trainers on the topics they identified as most important to their church and parachurch ministries. These leaders came together in Nairobi, Kenya from 39 African countries - from Angola to Zimbabwe, Senegal to Swaziland (Eswatini), Madagascar to Malawi to become equipped to train others. Our opening page provides the photo evidence.
Seven teachers from five countries (USA, India, Nepal, Burundi, Ghana) taught during 15 intensive sessions on Church Planting, Evangelism in Urban Settings, Preaching to Change Lives, Teamwork in the Church, Managing Your Time and Life, Muslim Evangelism, and Training Children and Youth Teachers.
Those who attended are now passing on what they learned in their ministry contexts.
Read what our colleagues are saying about the impact of SOS Africa Academy is having through those who attended:
SOS Africa Academy really means a lot to me because i am in pioneering ministry phase and start rising local leaders. Your model of teachings, encouragement, prayers is very helpful to us. So thank you again and i hope to be together next time.
Rev. Lalainatina Randrianjafisoa, Cornerstone Ministry, Madagascar
I have personally benefitted a lot from the academy as it has brought a lot of balance in my own life and ministry. I have been using these courses in training other ministers and leaders especially on Servant Leadership and Marital intelligence. These courses are very relevant in our terrain and most ministers appreciate the teachings.
We incorporate these lessons in our ministries even as we do our evangelism/ church planting and discipleship.
Pastor Nyasha F Mabiza, Missionary to Lesotho
The SOS Africa Academy has inspired my spirit in training others Pastors. Since I joined SOS International (2022), my thoughts about leadership changed to empowering others, helping them gain a vision orientation and building a fellowship with my church leaders.
Thank you for the heart to empower us to go forward in our call.
Rev. Emedy Isengwe, Burundi